Neighborhood Spotlight: Bedford Armory
The Skinny on NYC Footy's Newest Indoor Turf Location
We want to take advantage of this rather quiet week to feature a few of our winter locations and the surrounding area that offers up a bit more than footy.
Today, we are excited to feature only our second ever indoor turf location: Bedford Armory, a brand new facility that is quickly becoming the talk of the town. Just take a look at the photo below.
For its opening season, NYC Footy is going to host a couple of programs, including two 5v5 leagues and one training & development class.
Available NYC Footy Leagues:
Tuesday Night 5v5 Coed (9 Teams Currently. 1 Spot left.)
Sunday afternoon 5v5 Coed (5 Teams Currently. 3 Spots left.)
Just to the left of the visible area of the above map is the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and the NE entrance to Prospect Park. The facility itself is situated right off the 2/3/4/5 trains, as well as major bus routes.
Photo Credit: | Brooklyn Botanical Garden
The Neighborhood
If you're looking for some insights into the neighborhood, first take a note that if you fancy a lazy Sunday after your game, you not only have bars & restaurants to choose from, but you're just 2 blocks from the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and the rest of Prospect Park.
If you're interested in the bar and restaurant scene, be sure to click the links below, which will take you to a map of the top rated spots nearby.
Featured Restaurant: Ix
Guatemalan fare + coffee, tea, baked goods and the like.
Photo Credit: The New York Times | Ix
Here's a list of top restaurants nearby
Featured Bar: Branch Ofc.
Fully equipped with cocktails, pinball and, thankfully, a patio out back.
Photo Credit: USA Restaurants | Branch Ofc.
Here's a list of top bars nearby
That's the feature for today. We'll be back later in the week with Sunset Park and our two winter locations.
For all other leagues, visit!