You’ll notice on nearly every registration page, the start date is listed as “tentative”. The fact that this is a feature in the league management system we use informs just how important it is amongst youth and adult leagues to have flexibility around the official start date of a league.

The purpose of this page is to help you understand what factors impact the start date, informing the '“tentative” status.

For starters, it’s important to become familiar with our “seasons,” which are windows in which a league season will be played. Whereas start dates might change, the window in which a season is played should not change.


The below provides the registration period as well as the active season period within each season.

It’s important to know that there are exceptions, albeit few, where a league start and end dates do not follow the standard protocol below and run on an “alternative” schedule (e.g. a spring league starts first week of April and ends first week of July).

The purpose of this alternative schedule is increase the options available for folks that may discover the league late in a season, operate on unusual schedules or to maximize a facility’s permit offerings.

  • Spring:

    • Season Registration: Opens Early February - Closes Mid April

    • Standard Season Period: Starts March - Ends in June

    • Alternative Seasonal Period: Starts April - Ends in July

  • Summer

    • Season Registration: Opens Early May - Closes Mid June

    • Season Dates: Starts June - Ends September

    • Alternative Seasonal Period: Starts July - Ends October

  • Fall

    • Season Registration: Opens Early August - Closes Mid October

    • Season Dates: Starts September - Ends December

    • Alternative Seasonal Period: Starts October - Ends January

  • Winter

    • Season Registration: Opens Early November - Closes Mid January

    • Season Dates: Starts December - Ends March

    • Alternative Seasonal Period: Starts January - Ends April