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5 Essential Practice Drills to Train Like an Olympic Soccer Player

Olympic soccer players have skills that leave audiences in awe. But guess what? While Olympic athletes have an abundance of natural talent, its proper training and technique that earns these players a spot on the official Olympic squad.

So if you're looking to elevate your game and train like an Olympic soccer player, you're in the right place. Here are five essential practice drills that will have you ready for Los Angeles Olympic tryouts before the games descend upon the City of Angels in 2028.

1. The Perfect Pass Drill

Passing is a fundamental skill in soccer, and Olympic soccer players are masters of precise and quick passing. This drill helps improve your accuracy and timing, crucial for maintaining possession and creating scoring opportunities.

How to Do It:

  • Set up a series of cones in a straight line, about a foot apart.

  • Pair up with a teammate or use a wall. Start by passing the ball between the cones using both feet.

  • As you get comfortable, increase the distance between the cones and quicken the pace.

  • Focus on crisp, clean passes and controlling the ball with your first touch.

Pro Tip: Challenge yourself by using only your weaker foot for a few rounds. Through repetition and time, you’ll find there are no weak foots anymore, only weak defenders.

2. Dribbling Through Cones

Dribbling is all about control and agility. This drill will help you develop close ball control and improve your ability to maneuver through tight spaces, just like those tricky wingers you see at the Olympics.

How to Do It:

  • Set up a line of cones about 1-2 feet apart in a zigzag pattern.

  • Start at one end and dribble the ball through the cones as quickly as possible, using both feet.

  • Focus on keeping the ball close to your feet and using small touches to navigate through the cones.

  • For an added challenge, time yourself and try to beat your best time.

Pro Tip: Use different parts of your foot (inside, outside, sole) to get comfortable with various dribbling techniques.

3. Shooting Under Pressure

Olympic players often have to score under pressure, with defenders closing in and the clock ticking down. This drill helps you practice shooting accurately and confidently, even in high-pressure situations.

How to Do It:

  • Set up a goal with a goalkeeper or target zones (e.g., top corners) if you're practicing alone.

  • Start at the top of the penalty box with your back to the goal.

  • Have a teammate (or use a rebounder) pass the ball to you. Turn quickly and shoot on goal.

  • Focus on your first touch, speed of turn, and shooting accuracy.

Pro Tip: Practice shooting with both feet. Being able to finish with either foot is a valuable skill that can surprise goalkeepers and defenders

4. 1v1 Defense and Attack

One-on-one situations are common in soccer, and being able to win these battles can make a huge difference. This drill is excellent for both defenders and attackers to improve their skills.

How to Do It:

  • Set up a small grid (about 10x10 meters) with a goal at one end.

  • Pair up with a teammate, one as the attacker and the other as the defender.

  • The attacker starts with the ball and tries to score, while the defender tries to stop them.

  • Focus on defensive positioning, timing, and tackling, and for attackers, work on your dribbling, fakes, and quick changes of direction.

Pro Tip: As a defender, try to steer the attacker towards the sidelines or force them to use their weaker foot.

5. Conditioning and Agility Drill

Olympic players are incredibly fit and agile, able to maintain high intensity throughout the game. This drill will help improve your fitness and agility, making you quicker and more resilient on the field.

How to Do It:

  • Set up a series of cones or agility ladders in a straight line.

  • Start with high knees through the agility ladder, then sprint to the first cone, shuffle to the next, and backpedal to the start.

  • Include different movements like side shuffles, sprints, and backward runs.

  • Focus on quick feet, proper form, and maintaining high intensity.

Pro Tip: Include ball work in your conditioning drills to simulate game situations. For example, dribble through the cones or take a shot on goal at the end of the drill.

The Results

Training like an Olympic soccer player isn’t just about putting in the hours; it’s about focusing on the right drills and techniques.

So, lace up those cleats, hit the pitch, and start training like an Olympian. Whether you dream of playing in the Olympics or just want to impress your friends in a pickup game, these drills will help you feel good as gold.