NYC Footy

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NYC Footy Spring 2023 Mixed Gender Soccer Rule Changes

We are implementing some rule changes for this year, starting with our spring season. 

The purpose behind these changes is to protect the experience of our players and ensure our members continue to receive a professional and consistent soccer experience.

Here we go:

1. Jerseys: You must wear your NYC Footy jersey during your game or gift your opponent one (1) goal for every player that takes the pitch without their assigned NYC Footy jersey.

  • Purpose: To decrease likelihood of non-rostered players. To decrease confusion. To ensure an organized consistent and professional operation.

  • If your team lost their jerseys or not having a jersey is a result of a failure on our part, then you must communicate this to us immediately to resolve the issue and get you back on the pitch.

  • Lost jerseys must be re-purchased.

2. Start Times:  The clock starts at your scheduled game time. If teams are not ready, then the first half will feel shorter.

  • Purpose: To ensure all games start and end at their assigned times. To encourage teams (and referees) to be on the field and ready. To avoid delayed game starts and/or shortened game times for non-offending teams.

  • If a team is waiting for the requisite number of players to avoid a forfeit (e.g. 5 in a 7v7 league), then they may take the field without the requisite number of players and will have 5 minutes to field enough players to avoid a forfeit. If after 5 minutes a team does not have the requisite number of players to avoid a forfeit, a forfeit will be logged (the game, however, will still be played).

3. Female Minimums: In our non-flip leagues, if a team does not have the requisite number of female players to start the game, there will no longer be a negotiation between captains to allow a reduced minimum format. The referee will allow the team to decide if they want to play down a player or give the opposing team a 3 goal advantage. 

  • Purpose: To motivate teams to work harder to field the appropriate number of female players. To prevent putting opposing teams in uncomfortable position of agreeing to an alternative format.

  • For example. If a team shows up ready to play but has only 1 female player and requires 2, they can play down a player or may field a team of 7 with just 1 female player, but the opponent will be credited with 3 goals. If they have 0 female players, then they either play down 2 or they can play with a team of 6, with 0 female players, but the opponent will be credited with 3 additional goals (you cannot give the opponent 6 goals and play with a team of 7 and 0 female players).

  • If a team agrees to credit the opponent with 3 goals, they cannot change their mind, even if they are later able to field the requisite number of female players (e.g. they show up late). 

  • If a free agent team assembled by NYC Footy does not have the requisite number of female players on their roster, they will be labeled FAx ("x' signifies exception). In these games, to protect the free agent experience, referees will reduce the female minimum until the roster is satisfied.

4. Game balls: Each referee is required to have two (2) game balls with them at all times (at fields where the loss of a ball is possible, the referee will have more).

  • Purpose: To reduce delays and maximize game time.

  • If a game-ball gets kicked out of play at a distance, the referee will wait for a player (preferably the nearest substitute) to begin retrieving the ball and will immediately drop the second ball into play to minimize any stoppage of gameplay.

  • This does require a collective community effort (Thank you!)


  • A yellow card requires the offending player to sub out for a minimum of 2 minutes. A second yellow requires the player to sit out the remainder of the game. In both cases, the team CAN continue at full strength by subbing on a replacement player.

  • Captains must meet the referee at the center circle before the start of each game for a possession "coin toss"

Thank you and have a wonderful season!